Wednesday Night Painting Group
Soak in the Spring 10x10 Acrylic on Canvas $95
Assigned Seats 12x12 Acrylic on Canvas $125
the nautilus Acrylic/Watercolor on canvas 16x16 framed
the conch Acrylic/Watercolor on canvas 16x16 framed
In all his glory Acrylic on canvas 18x18
al dente Acrylic on Canvas 24x28
Miranda Crawford Leveque
After a recent discovery of old school papers, I realized that I have been dreaming of being an artist since early elementary school. Though I did take a handful of art classes throughout school as well as attended VCU as an animation major, I remain largely self taught. Perhaps because of this, I tend to ignore a lot of 'rules' in my paintings. Perspective in my work is very limited and often skewed, and I also tend to put shadows wherever I feel they look good, rather than where the light source dictates they should be. My love for animation and comics yields a very graphic look, complete with black outlines, which includes a healthy dose of sharp contrast, texture, and pattern.
I tend to paint very fast and spontaneously as ideas strike me, often finishing pieces in one sitting, and truly painting 'on a whim'. My work rarely has any trace of meaning, but is rather simply meant to be beautiful, whimsical, and enjoyed.