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The Wednesday Night Painting Group


We are a group of individuals that are together because we have a love of creating art and enjoy the company of sharing the creative process once a week with fellow artists. We call ourselves The Wednesday Night Painting Group.


It is interesting how people’s paths cross in life. In some people you find a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker. But first you find something in common that establishes a bond, from that moment a friendship is nurtured.


The Wednesday Night Painting Group has been formed from kindred spirits sharing a passion for creating art. We have met in a variety of ways along life’s path such as taking local art classes or through friends. In these ways we have found the opportunity to meet as a group at Crossroads Art Center which has allowed us to grow in numbers to the group you see represented here today.


Art from the heart has allowed us to grow as a group and to share in life’s celebrations. We support one another’s accomplishments and have grown into an exhibiting entity in our own right.



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