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Anthony Creech


My college notebooks are more notable for the doodles in the margins than they are as testaments to whatever knowledge my professors were trying to pound into me. This pattern continued into adulthood, in which I find that my daily responsibilities have been charged with a fervent craving for creative expression. So, even though I accept the reality of having to live and work in the “real world,” my soul craves release – and I have discovered this release in the maddening challenge of applying pigmented water to paper.


I avoid conscious attempts towards developing a singular style or consistency in subject manner, preferring with each new painting to deliberately challenge myself to undertake the elusive “something different.” If there is one constant in all my paintings, it is a love of the interplay of light and shadow combined with what might be called an indifference to photographic style veracity. Moreover, I have chosen to view my significant red-brown color blindness as an asset that leads me to make startling, at times jarring, but always intriguing color choices.


I find the most satisfaction in those images that tell a story. I believe that even the most straightforward still life should lead the viewer to start pondering the underlying narrative.


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